Do women like beards? Do beards make you look hotter? Will a beard get you laid?
We figured the best way to find the answers to these questions and more was to get them straight from the source. So we surveyed 1271 women from across the United States to get real, honest, and statistically significant answers to help you pick the right facial hair style for you.
As far as we know, this is the biggest survey ever on this topic and the results are equally as surprising.
Table of Contents
Do Women Like Beards?
The survey confirmed that women do like beards!
36.35% of women said men with beards were “very” attractive and 27.85% of women said they were “slightly” attractive. In total, this means 64.20% of all women who took the survey find beards made men *more* attractive.
In addition, 21.24% of women said it neither made you more attractive nor less attractive. This is good news for bearded guys because it means 85.44% of all women either find you more attractive with a beard or at the very least don’t mind if you have one at all.
That leaves 14.56% of women who said beards made men less attractive.
So if you like your beard, keep on rocking it!
Beards vs Clean-Shaven: Which Is More Attractive?
Women find clean-shaven men to be even more attractive than bearded men.
42.80% of women said clean-shaven men were “very” attractive and 31.71% were “slightly” attractive. In total, this means 74.5% of all women find clean-shaven men to be attractive.
This is 10.3% higher than bearded men.
Furthermore, 21.95% of women found clean-shaven men to be “neutral”, which is almost the exact same as how women found bearded men. Again, this is great news for guys because it means clean-shaven men were seen as either attractive or at least neutral 96.54% of the time.
This is 11.1% higher than bearded men.
This leaves us with a total of 3.54% of women who found clean-shaven men unattractive, which means 4 times more women find beards to be “unattractive” relative to clean-shaven.
So should you grow a beard or go clean-shaven?
Based on the data, clean-shaven will give you the edge over other facial hair styles. It’s universally seen as the most attractive facial hair style or at least considered “neutral” by almost all women. With that said, beards are also seen as attractive by many women, but just not as much as clean shaven.
This makes clean-shaven the clear winner.
What Type Of Facial Hair Is Most Attractive? (Beard Attractiveness Chart)
Clean-shaven was voted as the #1 most attractive facial hair style.
It received an average rank of 5.40 with 71.61% of women choosing “clean shaven” as one of the top 3 most attractive facial hair styles and 43.47% of women choosing “clean shaven” as the #1 most attractive facial hair style (more than double of the “light stubble” vote).
Light stubble was voted as the #2 most attractive facial hair style.
It was a close second with its average rank of 5.33 with 76.45% of women choosing it as one of the top 3 most attractive facial hair styles and 20.81% choosing it as the #1 most attractive facial hair style.
Heavy stubble was voted as the #3 most attractive facial hair style.
It received an average rank of 4.36 with 54.91% of women choosing it as one of the top 3 most attractive facial hair styles and 7.96% of women choosing it as the #1 most attractive facial hair style.
Full beard was voted as the #4 most attractive facial hair style.
It received an average rank of 3.93 with 36.09% of women choosing it as one of the top 3 most attractive facial hair styles and 14.47% of women choosing it as the #1 most attractive facial hair style.
Goatee was voted as the #5 most attractive facial hair style.
It received an average rank of 3.47 with 27.93% of women choosing it as one of the top 3 most attractive facial hair styles and 7.67% of women choosing it as the #1 most attractive facial hair style.
Mustache was voted as the #6 most attractive facial hair style.
It received an average rank of 3.00 with 19.54% of women choosing it as one of the top 3 most attractive facial hair styles and 3.23% of women choosing it as the #1 most attractive facial hair style.
Circle Beard was voted as the #7 most attractive facial hair style.
It received an average rank of 2.52 with 14.16% of women choosing it as one of the top 3 most attractive facial hair styles and 3.16% of women choosing it as the #1 most attractive facial hair style.
Final Thoughts: Do Women Find Beards Attractive?
So, do women like beards?
Yes, women do like beards, but it isn’t that simple.
Based on the responses of 1271 women, clean-shaven men was actually considered the #1 most attractive facial hair style. However, “light stubble” was a close second. So if you want to maximize your chances of looking good, there’s your answer. Go light on the hair, guys!
Once you grow your hair to a heavy stubble or full beard, there is a noticeable drop in attractiveness. This doesn’t necessarily mean women don’t like men with more facial hair. However, it does mean there are better choices if your goal is to look as hot as possible to as many women as possible. Otherwise, rock your beard while knowing there is still a lot of women who will love your manly mane.
Lastly, the bigger lesson here is to know what to avoid.
Goatee, mustaches, and circle beards are clear losers on all fronts. So if you’re currently deciding between any of these three facial hair styles, just stop. While there are some women who like those facial hair styles, the vast majority prefer regular beards and clean-shaven men.
This is especially true for circle beards, which were the least attractive among all facial hair styles.
In November 2021, we surveyed 1271 women from across the United States who were between the ages of 18-65 years old. Data was captured with a simple one-page survey with SurveyMonkey. No incentives were given to any participant.
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